A secret space and moldy bones A wall where one shouldn't be There's a cricket hiding in my cellar Calling up to me ♪ A tarp and a trowel and a broken lamp The stentch of eternity There's a dozen crickets in my cellar Calling up to me The shifting of bones and a rustle of cloth The clatter of lime crusted teeth There's a hundred crickets in my cellar Calling up to me ♪ Pray to your Maker Absolve thee of sin Then pray to ancestors To all your dead kin Pray to your mother and pray to your father And pray to your uncle and sister and brother Aim your prayer skyward To Heaven on high And cast those prayers into that cold lake of fire And then you'll discover with your final breath Your prayers were all futile Unheaded by death The scratching and scraping of fumbling claws From the shores of Erebus' sea There's a thousand crickets in my cellar Calling up to me The thud of decay with their limbs on the floor A ragged croak summoning me I'm going down now to the cellar Say a prayer for me