A nation small from the north so cold, Our consensus is now to fall, Former brothers start hating each other, Both claim to fight for the Nordic soul. Thousands choose to fight for their suppressor, Into the east they march with pleasure, Division Viking & Nordlands regiment, The Norwegian front fighters fundament. Laws are written By unlawful men, Villains become heroic, Heroes are damned. T for "terror" in Terboven's regime, Farms are burned, men are killed, In times of need, people are easy to lead, With a prosperous path, Pride is conquered by Greed. Laws are written, By unlawful men, Villains become heroic, Heroes are damned. A fortune built on deceit and guilt, Loses it's value as the oppressor suffers defeat, When the war turns and Germany burns, Quislings will be judged by a hateful hand. Laws are written, By unlawful men, Villains become heroic, Heroes are damned.