No one disturb the end of the earth Land of mangoes and water wars Backdrop these skin cancer sun kissed shores Cattle on the cane strain through them tropical rain storms To bless this asbestos island with the best reward The end of the earth It's worth it's weight in wisdom The end of the earth Come thirst that state of delirium delirium Cold pressed prawn cocktails and air-conditioners Indulge sore souls born to a terracotta world XXXX, triple X and excess dollar sign pleasures, will ya tell us what it's worth? This big fruit, this big lobster, this dodgy disaster of a culture is it what we stand for? The end of the earth It's worth the wait in wisdom The end of the earth Come thirst that state of delirium Water wars are coming Law is in dispute So round up them cane toads And cook em, cook em, cook em into soup It's wired it's wired The end of the earth It's the perfect place for a prisoner The end of the earth Come thirst the end, the end of the earth Surprisingly lively you'll find most likely at the end of the earth No law can restore the thirst of our interior so Make the most of what it's worth The end of the earth