I am a Jew, that's what I am That's what I am, that's what I am! It's who I've always been I hope you can understand If it's a problem for others Then it's my revelation Being Jewish is in my constitution If it's a problem for others it's my revelation I hope you can understand my constitution It runs in my veins It's lodged in my cells It's embedded in my fiber It's what makes me excel It's the essence of my logic The pit of my will The core of my emotions My pride and my emotions My goodwill, my pride and goodwill הייליגע אידן איבעראל וואו מען קוקט געשיקט, דערשטיקט, צופליקט שפּאט ביליג, פארטיליגט איך זוך מיין זיידע וואו ליגט מיליאנען פּערזאנען אוי אין וואגאנען נישט טינט נאר בלוט וואו נעמט מען נאך אזא פאלק נאך רציחות פון מלוכה'ס אלע רוחות, שחיטות מען האלט דעם לוחות און שיחות נאך שעכטן עלטערן און קינדער, טעכטער, שנירן האלט מען די פּאפּירן מען לאזט זיך נישט פארפירן אוי וויי The beat of my heart The oxygen I breathe The fire of my soul Everything I need It's my joy of joyous As long I can be The Jew out of my free will not forced Then I can be the real Jewish me We have enough trouble in the outside world At least between us let's love each other Because we're each a sister We're each a brother A father, mother It's hard to believe we still exist After thousands of opposition I'm sure there is a power above But our inner power should be love The beat of my heart The oxygen I breathe The fire of my soul Everything I need The beat of my heart The oxygen I breathe The fire of my soul Everything I need It runs in my veins It's lodged in my cells It's embedded in my fiber It's what makes me excel It's s the essence of my logic\