Gustavson Feeling the sag of mind, feeling The conscious ignorance, knowing. What. How. Tell me how. What is there to do. Even so. Hands won't hold if I Trust them with my weight. So. Then again, my feet are not close enough to my heart. I am. Sorrowful man. But it's not often I'm able to cry. Should I forget about that Mountain of Rejoycing or be Glad that there are eyelids to be watched, from time to time. Don't know. Truly, I don't understand. Can't feel sure that God will even hear a cry. Could our partings be running too deep. Even for the merging dreams. Feel like it's all too much to bear. Where's the chance for smiles to happen; Unable. Don't even know What to hope and pray for. The final tangled junction of all dead ends . Of pain; Truth revealed. Mine. Finders seekers. Strength. Should I consider somebody Who's just not to be right for the feelings. I Don't know. Truly, I don't understand. Can't feel sure that God will even hear a cry. Who will bring comfort. Who will stay, Near; who will bear my touch. No friend, no love; nowbody To understand: All in-vain thoughts Trying their best to satisfy The mind. But the vanity You take only when you're very weak... Very: Finished as they are, Feel I'm not weak; yet. Not yet. Or then, my weakness. May just pass unnoticed through my weakness. Don't know. Truly I don't understand. Can't feel sure that God will even hear the cries.