Well, she used to love him But not anymore. They did it in the dark But she couldn't see him Well, he smelled the same And he felt the same But he wasn't the same And she couldn't see him And he enjoyed it And she enjoyed it And they both had a very nice time, thank you very much And then they went to sleep And then she woke up And the world looked really nice for a change But he looked dead So she went back to sleep And then he got up And so she got up And they both went home And later on, he phoned her A couple of weeks And she went to the doctor No, she wasn't pregnant But she wasn't very well Because he checked her out And then he looked her over, and over, and over And he sort of felt around for a little bit And then she went home So what he said "There's a small disease, I'm sure it will go away. Just go to the clinic every third Wednesday of the month. I'm sure you'll be okay." Well she used to love him, But not anymore.