Prana: Music for Pranayam Practice lyrics

album Manish Vyas   ·  8 tracks

2018 year

  1. 11

    Bhastrika Pranayam (Energise the Body and Mind)

    Manish Vyas

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  2. 22

    Kapalbhati Pranayam (Release the Stress and Toxins)

    Manish Vyas

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  3. 33

    Mahabandh: The Great Lock (Activate the Prana Shakti)

    Manish Vyas

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  4. 44

    Ujjayi Pranayam (Remove Negative Thinking)

    Manish Vyas

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  5. 55

    Nadi Shodhana Pranayam (Rejuvenate the Nervous System)

    Manish Vyas

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  6. 66

    Bhramari Pranayam (Stabilise the Mind)

    Manish Vyas

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  7. 77

    Udgeet Pranayam (Feel the Grace, Bliss and Contentment)

    Manish Vyas

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  8. 88

    Shanti Mantra (For Inner and Outer Peace)

    Manish Vyas

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