Yeah, I said, start. He said: Sadio marde nekoonam namirad hargez Masma glasses, hold on. Ready? Sadio marde nekoonam namirad hargez Morde anast ke namash be nekoyee nabarand. He says, "Sadi the man whose got good name and has been helpful, He never dies. The person who is called 'dead' is the person Who they don't mention him in a good deed or good behavior." Another one he said: Madar! Gonahe zendegiam ra be man bebakhsh. Zira agar gonahe man in bud، az to bud. He said, "Mother forgive me for sins of my life. Because these sins which I've done is Mainly result of your work in the past." Hargez nakhastam ke to ra sarzanesh konam. Amma to ra be rasti az zadan che sud? I never wanted to blame you for anything. But really what was the benefit of Producing me to the world? And to the life? Then he says: Zendegi chun kelafe pich pich ast avvalash hich o akharash hich ast. He say, life is like a tangled ball of wool, Which the beginning it starts from nothing, and ends to nothing