The circus folk are here, they're down in the square They've got a strange fellow that you can see there For 10 cents, you too can see the boy with the smile That leers as it mocks Jack There is a creature waiting patiently below Laying in darkness for the start of the show Patiently waiting, in a costume so fair He wears no mask but a face painted there And coiled to spring like a cat through the night This creature's unknowable visage alights In the mind's eye - will you startle in fright? Or do you think some infernal delight... awaits? Jack A-quiver and nervous, your hand reaches out Grasping the crank, and tuning it about You know the cue as the melody plays And what you see there will truly amaze When you see Jack And NOW, Jack springs out the box With the smile that leers as it mocks Honestly, he doesn't think much of you Though he's little he thinks little of you But he knows just what to do To give you a thrill