Since I was brought to the court Their despise threw me to the ground I covered before their hateful sights Molded in a forge that has no fire My face is pushed on this cold floor I feel the blood flow from my mouth But soon there's poison in my veins I will finally be freed As you can see, time did nothing to dampen my rage I still grow crooked from that ill, old seed Lies we sow, oh sadness we reap On chaos we thrive and chaos we breathe My delusions are so profound The fears root me to the ground I'm floating on these dreadful tides Despair unwinds before my eyes Bonds are made and bonds break down The wounds stay open to haunt me for I can't find forgiveness in my heart I can't keep maliciousness gone As you can see, time did nothing to dampen my rage I still grow crooked from that ill, old seed Lies we sow, oh sadness we reap On chaos we thrive and chaos we breathe As you can see, time did nothing to dampen my rage I still grow crooked from that ill, old seed Lies we sow, oh sadness we reap On chaos we thrive and chaos we breathe So forlorn I've become!