It's been a couple years since we last spoke The last time that we did I said, "I hated you" And since then I stayed true to what I'd wrote I've finally made it big and you have faded to A craves in my mind that I can never find I finally feel fine for the first time in a long time For the first time in a long time But sometimes you still creep into my thoughts And every time you do it brings me agony I burned every item you have ever buy But when I turn my back I feel you stabbing me You know it's like funny, that like I constantly talked about wanting to change myself And then when it comes to doing that, I just never change It's like I'm like, stuck in a loop, you know It just keeps going and going day, by day, by day Of the same situation and I never see it To act differently or do things differently Or make and real attempt to improve, you know I just like sit home all day, and I fucking lay in bed And I like cry and shit, but it's like I don't know, maybe one day I'll be able to like Change my life before it end, you know Until then I guess I'm just here