We're black brothers from the United States He who out to get them most, isn't Satan We're the hated race in a world of white Elected by mexican hands Now, Pito Wilson is full of hate And looking to fuck up race Pito Wilson - Hates the raza Pito Wilson Pito Wilson - Sera presidente Pito Wilson Pito Wilson - Te quiere ver muerto Pito Wilson Pito Wilson - El cristo de odido Pito Wilson Now, Mexican brothers, don't be this stupid A Calculate has begun The Pete in the north is growing Be president, rest or mature First to impact, the death of the year Now, pure white or pure dead Pito Wilson - Odia la raza Pito Wilson Pito Wilson - Sera presidente Pito Wilson Pito Wilson - Te quiere ver muerto Pito Wilson Pito Wilson - El cristo de odido Pito Wilson Pito... Pito... Pito... Pito... Pito... Pito... Pito... Pito