The more that you venture Into the night The braver you'll become But I can't go further The future's too bright Because the bliss has just begun Is this the great art you were hoping for While the emotionally numb Waged a quiet war? Did you know it's not the '80s anymore? I've got a hundred new distractions Banging at my door ♪ A double decade of doubt awaits So incremental Mean the losses will be too hard to rates The median score Hides the lost and the old age So the land never sees What the blue sea eroded Is this the great art you were hoping for While the emotionally numb Waged a quiet war? Did you know it's not the '80s anymore? I've got a hundred new distractions Banging at my door You can't fault my Application On the basis Of my education Did you pay for A network provider? The parental payroll Has just made you blinder Is this the great art you were hoping for While the emotionally numb Waged a quiet war? Did you know it's not the '80s anymore? I've got a hundred new distractions Banging at my door It's hard not To hope that you will rot The exception to the rule Never meant that much to you It's hard not to hope that you will rots But I will endeavor to be kind It's lodged in a crevice In the recesses of my mind