Ordinary boring bat shit At the roadhouse Cat calling idiots They're no tougher than a mouse We're just walking by they think it's fine To be pinching their behind every time I'm gonna put 'em in line ♪ Hey, buddy, step outside Had enough of your swine kind I'm gonna turn you into pickle brine So, you think you've got what it takes, kid? Come on in and take a swing If it makes you feel big I'm a born and bred lunatic ♪ Threw me up against the body of his New four wheel drive It's a wonder that I'm still here That I'm still alive Vulgar misogynists Leads me to be I'm done dealing with Maliciousness ♪ Yeah, I got my teeth smashed out my mouth But I couldn't live without standing ground To another hunting hound Yet I show no clemency ♪ Farewell to clemency, my friend We'll never cross our paths again ♪ Farewell to clemency, my friend Our mistress will never ascend ♪ Farewell to clemency, my friend I'm taking no prisoners We're all sick of inappropriates Farewell to clemency, my friend Toxic masculinity is dead