You lay on your bed with the rays of the sunlight, red... Plucking grays from the side of my head. So like a dog, I play dead so I can hear what's behind your eyes... The cacophony in your mind. But you've been wondering where I spend all my time. You want answers but you don't dare to ask. We've been pushing and pulling like a fish on the line... But your fighting will's much stronger than mine And a penny for your thoughts only adds up to dimes. A penny for your thoughts is gonna add up to dimes. So get your ready coat on. I can hear you whisper in the early morn' And I can feel your presence even though you've gone away. And all the fights just drone on. I can't hold a candle to your crying scorn And I can't get the energy to take you on again. But my mind, it works so differently than yours. My heart it wanders. My mind, it works so differently than yours. My heart it wanders and yours stays the course. My mind, it works so differently than yours. My heart it wanders. My mind, it works so differently than yours. My heart it wanders and yours stays the course. But nothing's gonna change my ways. No... And I try and I try, But nothing's gonna change me and my ways. Nothing's gonna change me ...and my ways. You forgot my birthday again. Guess that's where we stand these days... You forgot my birthday this year again... Guess that's where we stand. And time and time again I wonder if I just said no, Would it make it better? If we never kidded ourselves... Or if I just worked on myself. If I just worked on myself So get your ready coat on So get your ready coat on So get your ready coat on So get your ready coat on