Clandestine Distracted by design The signs ignored again The kids are bored again And everybody knows Only a fool plays by the rules Can you be a smooth operator? In a covert overture On a seesaw of distracted watchmen Where peace is only A temporary retraction Of one of the heads Of a two-headed dog Which side are you on Consigliere to the boss? You adapt so easily You are taking your time To follow the feelings of your melancholy mind How soon we forget the world they gave us We are the new wavers Ravers of the surveillance era On a lazy river We sleep all day And tight lips sink ships Still you are so afraid Of the madness When power remains Clandestine Clandestine Distracted by design The signs ignored again The kids are bored again Clandestine Distracted by design The signs ignored again The kids are bored again Clandestine You had a pristine transition To an entitled position You had a pristine transition To an entitled position