You're sitting at your desk hitting refresh Over and over and over You should go to bed, you need to rest But time seems to be passing slower You can't seem to find any peice of mind In the light of your computer screen It's 2: 30 AM and you wonder when your ever going to sleep It's been twenty four hours since the last page How much longer will we have to wait? For the update who's gonna die? What allien kid is gonna make you cry? How will a comic make you broken hearted and how many shipping wars will get started? What headcannons will be dismantled and will the fandom be able to handle what Andrew Hussie will create with the next update. And then your heart sinks whne there's no unclicked links You want to know what happens next So to a new tab you switch to get your fanfiction hitched And read about teen allien sex And suddenly your notifier beeps you click over and begin to read You scan the page and fall in a daze This one will bring the fandom to it's knees! Three new panels and a pesterlog! Everone stands still from shock and awe At the update who's gonna die? What allien kid is gonna make you cry? How will a comic make you broken hearted and how many shipping wars will get started? What headcannons will be dismantled and will the fandom be able to handle what Andrew Hussie will create with the next update. Within five minutes there's fanart And after ten the arguments start At fifteen you get the cosplayers And at tweny everybodys like "It's not fair!" But after a while things start to decipate Peoples ships are sunken it's a bit to late To argue about what's cannon now Cause no one really understands it anyhow And all there's left to do is wait For the next update