One for my last bikini, Two for the nicotine, Three 'cause it's time to go And I'm still lingering on your grin. Four to the dirty wishes, Five to the naked truth, Six 'cause I had no sex last night, Seven for the endless youth. Joe, hello, I'm back on the show And it seems like it heals Though I know that the deal is tricky. Eight for the rollercoaster Crowning the lions head, Nine for the ones who still believe It's better to die in bed. Ten to the morning after, Oh, that's so bad I should have two, Now that there is nothing left, My dear, let's jump in the barbecue. Joe, hello, I'm back on the show And it seems like it heals Though I know that the deal is only cool For a fool that's been twice sacrificed. I'm back to cocaine, My brain is taking off. Two, I close my eyes When your advice was so prophetic. Three, I know my chance, So what's the damage? Just cosmetic. Larry comes and goes While they're collapsing on confetti. But now I'm back, I'm back, I'm back, I'm back, I'm ... don't fill credits!