How do, Shit, shit, shit I will miss you Will i see you Down and done Down and done Down and done Your new barg is dead There is a town there And now, come toghether I got yo unify, to unify I got to beat the batle When i was down then long, long I am not anymore Have the body to hold I will see a nother day Is that a sin there that i love you Darling, more that you can say But i can wait where the camera gaig I sayed to be I say you are rong My teacher say I am sorry You must be very intelegent I say He is I am Ha Down and done Down and done Down and done Did you stop Down and done I'll sell my home beatch To come home, get my shoe of Fly, flu, fly forever You now new your house Becouse every day you came see it I will stay here every day I can wait to get you girl Becouse i lease you You fool You rise up You fool Down and done Down and done Down and done Down and done Down and done Down and done