Mind control ministry Scanning every thought through your TV screen Watching you Watching me Watching every move as the hate clock grinds No escape from the satellite Camera to the left and a camera to the right Sanitize humanity Filtering words when the cell phone rings Invisible cancer In a war of supremacy Perpetual laughter At the heart of society A multi-nation DPI Awaken sleepers in the sky A plague of drones shooting high Beware the all seeing eye Protocol conspiracy Tapping into veins of communication Bleeding you Bleeding me Tightening the screws in a classified window Liquidate civil liberty Tracing every twist and tracking every turn Terminal duplicity Channeling the streams with immunity Invisible cancer In a war of supremacy Perpetual laughter At the heart of society A multi-nation DPI Awaken sleepers in the sky A plague of drones shooting high Beware the all seeing eye State surveillance, state control State surveillance, state control State surveillance, state control Mind surveillance, mind control ♪ Thought crime Paranoia Wired in Taking hold Steely eyes scrutinize State is seeking to control Listening, censoring Invasion of all privacy Breaking down the firewall Surveillance of democracy Dark net Inner sanctum Light the fuse, let it burn Terminate Neutralize Antivirus spreading germs Threatening Questioning Freedom in obscurity Covert in a blackened hole Encrypted for security Invisible cancer In a war of supremacy Perpetual laughter At the heart of society A multination DPI Awaken sleepers in the sky A plague of drones shooting high Beware the all seeing eye A multination DPI Awaken sleepers in the sky A plague of drones shooting high Beware the all seeing eye