Let it go Let it go Sorrow 翻閱破舊日記 字態爛漫稚氣 回首傷痛韻味 Then I say goodbye to Sorrow, to Sorrow Let's say hello Tomorrow, Tomorrow 踏破過萬里步 抉擇了沒退路 段落暫告過渡 Then I say goodbye to Sorrow, to Sorrow Let's say hello Tomorrow 生於這片土地 My story begins 從此得到生命歷劫 Be a human being 什麼都不懂 像落陌生的荒島 花草樹木也冷待我 被唾棄 眼淚流滿地 Where do I belong? 尋找屬於自己的地方 大海的狂浪 拍打巨響 貫穿心發慌 Is ok to be not ok! 仰望漆黑天空中繁星閃耀找到寂靜 I'm still have breathing I'm still have feelings I'm still alive today 新傷 舊痛 默默伴隨 跨越幾多煎熬 崩潰 苦盡甘來 I'm so great 翻閱破舊日記 字態爛漫稚氣 回首傷痛韻味 Then I say goodbye to Sorrow, to Sorrow Let's say hello Tomorrow, Tomorrow 踏破過萬里步 抉擇了沒退路 段落暫告過渡 Then I say goodbye to Sorrow, to Sorrow Let's say hello Tomorrow 坐上時光機 穿越去擁抱需要安撫那個自己 I'm on my way I'm on my way I'm on my way Tomorrow