(Yes, really, bodybuilding is somewhat of a science) (It's more than lifting weights, isn't it?) (Yes sir) Lift weight - mutate Cheapskate - I'd date Hydrate - inflate Primate - growth rate (And back) (This pose highlights the bicep development) (Your abdominal development and your thigh development) (Your tricep, your bicep, and your hamstring and thigh development) (I try to go real fast) (And work down kinda laterally extend everything) Big Shot - deep squat Juggernaut - weak spot So hot- forgot I fought- got caught Blood clot - did not (And relax) (Our next pose is the back level bicep. Again, this will highlight) (Lats development, lower back, glutes and hamstrings) (And back) (Posing, I understand, is a very important part, uhh) (That's something that you do quite well, I understand) Hydrate - inflate Await - my fate Lift weight - mutate (Yeh, uh, I got best poser, uhh, down at the Louisiana Championships)