Controlled to live in fear They must tell these stories of violence This type of life can't be welcome here Why aren't you mortified? Why aren't you on our side? Is history repeating itself? In this evolution of evil ♪ It continues to grow Evolution of evil ♪ Freedom has no chains! The silencing and censoring of media Has warped our minds An illusion made to cover bullshit lies Options are running thin Where do we start to begin You'll never take my hope away You'll never take all my faith We need to sacrifice We need to change our lives In order to free our minds Controlled to live in fear This shouldn't be real A false sense of hope with an end that's feeling near Feeling near! ♪ It continues to grow Evolution of evil ♪ Freedom has no chains ♪ Load up your guns We are under control This is a war We'll fall if we don't fight Load up your guns We are under control This is a war We're fucked if we don't fight!