Master Belial, I summon thee from north Bestow your power upon me Fulfil my desires, make me invisible So that my enemies cannot see Lord Lucifer, plague this world with fire Bring forth total destruction For the glory of Satan, master Lucifer Accept this goat, our offering For the four crown princes of hell My master Satan, hear my brave call I pray for hell on earth Let the locust attack, let it rain blood Give me finally my Armageddon Lord Leviathan, let loose the seas So that weaklings will drown For the glory of Satan, master Lucifer Let there be darkness forever And thus skies burst open And terror was in their eyes We could smell their fear of death When they saw the shining blades In the name of Satan, we command the forces of hell To head for the final battle We slaughter the weak, destroy all the meek Nothing can stop us now As victory is ours, I raise my chalice of blood To hail my lord Satanas For the glory of Satan, master Lucifer We are the servants that serve you well Thy will be done, Thy kingdom come Let there be darkness forever All power to Satan, our true god Finally we have reached the point Where we all are one with Satanas