The below is a work in progress (there's a lot of words) I would rap but Ain't got money for a motive Full scheme to end You can have my bread And I don't go back I go forward with a focus Some mandem they see me and hate I ain't to drive in an 04 brand to dvla I can't get a job cos my cv's bait When all that's on it is music, bollocks I bin about bin about I end up living out half of the brands One man down but I'm already down But I'm never going down till it's over and out If you see a little kid pipe up If you see a little kid pipe up, warn him Say shut your trap If you ever wanna have a lye in again Stand up stop lying again Put your lies down Like your begging a friend You'll be lying as loud as a lion bar Yeah this a par so chill Chilling chilling Just sit your bombaclart, rasclart down Sit that proud Don't think about what you doing back then Just think about what you're doing right now Don't think about what you doing back then Just think about what you're doing right right oh yeah People want it to be there yeah Instead of proco? Bearing it Looking bearing it It's no fun no fair And no money for the ride Let me go round in a cycle having the the hell of a time Check this for a hell of a line Comparison is yet the thief of joy But I'm no better off than a pizza boy M4 from london to Wales My passenger has red lips Bright eyes And curls M4 from london to Wales MOSHA MAN SITUATION Wanna smoke that herb on a kerb With the little man in the corner with the shame like no