冷たい夜の海 浮かぶ船に1人 水に手を浸して やけに落ち着いた鼓動に 身を任す 夢をみる 誰か教えて 傷つけあうのはなぜ? The colors in our silhouette 塗りつぶさないで この胸に溢れる 愛の歌を 弄ばないで Why do the shadows ricochet? 時間はあと少し 毒が回る前に 振り絞った歌声 叶えたい夢があるの どうしてもどうしても 私を飼い慣らす この檻の外へ The colors in our silhouette 塗りつぶさないで この胸に溢れる 愛の歌を 弄ばないで Why do the shadows ricochet? Listen to all the voices If you focus, you'd hear the answers Everything has been obvious Don't run away from your choices When you know what is poison You would never say they are noises I know you'd make a difference The colors in our silhouette ♪ The colors in our silhouette 互いの瞳を 見つめたら 溢れる叫び、痛み 気づけるだろうか Why can't the colors ricochet? Listen to all the voices If you focus, you'd hear the answers Everything has been obvious Don't run away from your choices When you know what is poison You would never say they are noises I know you'd make a difference The colors in our silhouette