Chatting Now Seriously lively Never Ending Girls' Talk We can't wait for the end of school bell chime Even if you're late, leaving early is a no, no, no! We'll go all out and Study After School The heart pounding won't stop, Going full throttle inside our brains Hopes, desires, passions, We'll wrap them up with a ribbon We gather material for a New Type Version, and put it into A girls-only print club album and a diary written with love If we hem our skirts just 2 cm, we'll be able to fly Further than yesterday, And an octave higher than the day before Jumping Now Seriously pretty Never Ending Girls' Life We're serious every day, it's now or never 'cause we're live! Even if you wake up early, going to bed early is a no, no, no! Shouting with all I've got, "Woo-hoo!" Seriously wonderful Never Ending Girls' Song Our afternoon tea time couldn't be better Our love is unrequited, but it's an honorable defeat, so Here We Go! When we sing we're Shining After School