White Lightning™, Coke an Gin Thatchers White Magic™ inna tin Thatchers White Magic™ inna rollie It wont fuckin light mate, its fuckin too wet Dont try fuckin li'in it dick'ed *lightin it dick'ed* Wrestle Mania 5™ Devvo Suprise™ Ultimate Warrior™ Shady Piez I used to fight cars and I used to like busses But now ahTek drugz cus ur all pusses Whale'in callin's, life is gay, get on the horse, get on the K™ Ketamine™ -drug of choice- gives me a buzz and it gives me a voice All these things that I wanna say 2 u'uns an uths an uths an yousss Id write it down, but I cant write, so il just say it, an then we'll fight Bin watchin BBC's late at niite, but I ant learnt owt cause its well shite Its fuckin dictionaries, fuckin sharks eating each other, like fuckin loads of big words n that