White Translucent Light entering through opaque glass Light reflects off the surface of water Things come to pieces And rebuild themselves into completely different objects White tinged with sepia With an encroaching darkness Autumn leaves blown on the breeze Heavy telephone cables Twisted like creepers The sound of crows Invisible birds A bedroom carpet becomes an Autumn forest floor A pair of lips Nothing falls down Everything falls up Objects start rising from the floor to the sky Claustrophobic Something massive encroaches slowly Arrives across a stark landscape Arid Dry Arcing electricity flashes A smell of carbon Sunlight filtered through a sandstorm Delicate dancing in heavy boots The power of you when I let you in The responsibility and potential for damage The whole image is suddenly cut By a straight diagonal line into two Each half slips against the other Each half goes out of sync with the other Duality of time Existing in the same plane A wooden room Heavy Dark An overdose of brown The room has invisible edges Fades to black Begins to float To dance Dead birds begin to rise from the floor of the room Into the sky The sky is black Vibrating A trembling pool of oil above us Copper wires dipped into it