Steel rain attacked to us, we died in '45 Everything is controlled by dars force, all the time We lost the right to think. Is it the rule of world's war? Yes, this was world's war. The waek are cursed and the strong are blessed Dark force is commanding you We'll fight with our fears (We will wait for rising sun) We'll find true light We'll find true life Dark force is always commanding you Give the force to me 悲しみの歌を謳うよ 揺れる時代(とき) Sing for you, Song for you Sadness story Elegy 故地船若波羅蜜多 (こーちーはんにゃーはーらーみーたー) 是大神呪 (ぜーだいしんしゅー) 是大明呪 (ぜーだいみょうしゅー) 是無等等呪 (ぜーむーとうどうしゅー) 能除一切苦 (のうじょういっさいくー) 真実不虚 (しんじつふーこー) 故説船若波羅蜜多呪 (こーせつはんにゃーはーらーみーたーしゅー) 即説呪曰 (そくせつしゅーわー) 羯諦羯諦 (ぎゃーてーぎゃーてー) 波羅僧羯諦 (はらそーぎゃてー) 菩提薩婆訶 (ぼじさわかー) 船若心経 (はんにゃしんぎょう) Give the force to me 悲しみの歌を謳うよ 揺れる時代(とき) Sing for you, Song for you Sadness story This is Japanese Elegy We'll take your pain away So, feel free to live your life But don't forget war's history