Oh three-Fold Goddess Weaver of the Web Bringer of the Crossroad Gate To touch the world and the Spirit A path wet with the tears Of Magick and dissolution The bitter sting, the venom of fate Weaved within her Web of Wyrd Transversed throught the limbs of the Astral A grand maze of perception Infinite to those Who still seek their path Light years beyond Those who cannot seize time Such as the daemon Star of Algol. Deceiver of true distance Yet breathing down the neck Infinitely giving signs of Light It is written in constellations And instinct, a map of the gates Signs shown to the reptilian Eye A Gate of transcendence A key to the stars It is then you witness the cosmos collide And the wars within Pantheons Ageless and formless Like sand, sea and stone And the time and light Which once slipped through your fingers HEKATE! Χαλάζι Χαλάζι HEKATE! Χαλάζι Χαλάζι HEKATE! Χαλάζι Χαλάζι HEKATE! Χαλάζι Χαλάζι Bringer of the crossroads To cross the gates And touch the spirit world A path wet with tears This is the first light of dissolution This is baptism towards the second light The shedding of the skin Crossroads of the power Of your magick touch