宜家, 偏要 佈置the vvibes like Dazed and Tensed 想拎走光環 旁人面前裝扮得雅淡 右眼昏花 天花板冇野 陸續消散 中意扮冇野 宜家, 偏要 佈置the vvibes like Dazed and Tensed Cloudy oh 정말 deNse Where's? No! Where's my rance My states are Really a Hassle That's my fault 我遷移 Facts, default 被痴纏 乾到會霰親, 邊個會憐憫, 唸法唔Even, One of a Million City is thrilling, hunting for healing, 一條友點夠抽! (我知你啲兵好凍) 再次被丟棄 失去了朝氣 Low-key, ride out 佩戴著標記 消退了標記 有邊可以走? (你早知我冇路) 經歷a bad day 我闖禍 乏味 又徬徨 氧氣不足使我意志搖盪 宜家, 偏要 佈置the vvibes like Dazed and Tensed 想拎走光環 旁人面前裝扮得雅淡 右眼昏花 天花板冇野 陸續消散 中意扮冇野 宜家, 偏要 佈置the vvibes like Dazed and Tensed Prob, prob, 收起左眼淚追避, 加添左掛慮拘忌 個個, 埋頭苦幹投機, 講真我只想休憩 冇grad trip 冇bad trip, Again what is friendship Too tensed to 伸展 你得悉I'm Flaccid I'm Frail 優柔寡斷Hunnit racks that you piled Wreck in my bound 數緊 racks that I mound We quite frozen btw, we ain't close btw 接受現實 I don't play 搵到你既蹤跡之後 can't sway 強逼自己 一定Keep住鎮定 將黑白分清 I'll be with who, IMMA free good, bearing some fruits, taste, my heart is pure 右眼昏花 天花板冇野 陸續消散 中意扮冇野 想拎走光環 旁人面前裝扮得雅淡 宜家, 偏要 佈置the vvibes like Dazed and Tensed 宜家, 偏要 佈置the vvibes like Dazed and Tensed