唔見鎖匙 我寫落歌詞 我跌咗嘢唔會搵因為買咗4個Air Tag 乜嘢都係錢 做乜嘢都要錢 我死我葬我落地獄我返我屋企都要錢 我諗我手賤 同錢銀糾纏 我講過幾個方案諗住慳兩筆再儲耐啲 係咪要搾乾我身體先可以 咁犯賤 啊 我找錢散銀多 用緊Cash Just stop it I sent you all my love 全部散紙 don't want it 還錢咪撚用散紙 講多次 冇意義 I fallin other swirl 唔該用credit just say it Money is my god 準備犧牲所有 我知道卡數維持消費主義洗錢照舊 我知道呢個社會教我點樣obey 孭楝樓一世永遠被支配到死 Those hipster are trappin in the money 思緒需要hopping 冇知覺 Gotten locked up in the罪孽rocking I been spending my life enter the void Doesn't handle my life 已經根本消逝 所有都被揭露 我哋有權知道 Please vibing in my Hipsters' Disco