Petrified In sleep paralysis Swallowed by Nigtmare cataclysms Cohorror builds its temple in me Erecting hydric elevation Under my cafaleptic skin (...dreaming and dead - still howling deflance...) Even in this gruesome revelation The bottom drops from abyssal unreallity Wrenching revulsion Cracks my skull, kills me again I know this epiphany Wearing my own face Who are you Cohorror has laid its eggs in me Parasitic larvae from beyound existence Raven the remnants of my decaying humanity This gnostic burst repels All life to unbeing, the essence of death Transmogrifies all To the pitiless laughter of the birthless How resinlient Not to choose to life Rather be Consumed by us You have a name Long forgotten by men and their gods Eat my soul If you will, but impart yourself In your worlds We cannot be known There's no Here For us to ever be If you desire so To blindly see Seek the path That leads through the Eidolon Bedevilled Into unearthly perplexity Frozen in horror My countenance stares back at me.