Holy mountain Brave mountain Mystic mountain I'm free Misty mountain Grand mountain Holy mountain I breathe Holy mountain Brave mountain Mystic mountain I'm free Misty mountain Grand mountain Holy mountain I breathe In the silence Shadow reign So that mystic path of death And life So ascending In the rain Solemn magic way to gods The sky Silence Calling my name Whispers Voices, some day they sing Holy mountain Brave mountain Mystic mountain I'm free Misty mountain Grand mountain Holy mountain I breathe In the moonlight your design In their busy secret days of life By your spirit we will rise From the ashes where we bow and fight Silence Calling my name Whispеrs Cries, someday they sing Praise the silеnce Don't fear the darkness Your name is silence Banish our nightmares Searching our sorrows Holy mountain Brave mountain Mystic mountain I'm free Misty mountain Grand mountain Holy mountain I breathe