I open the door To a room of treasure chests Shadows creeping in the corners It looks like a vampire's nest Blood dripping from the ceiling Now I see some bat wings I unsheathe my stake and dagger But I am met with maniacal laughter We're just here to play Just to play a game We're just here to play Just to play a game Put your weapons away you fool You think you look so cool We're just here to sling some cards Now will you be our bard? But I'm a vampire slayer Not some card player We'll teach you how to play To play our game We'll teach you how to play Then you'll be our friend I'll teach you the rules Then you can have your precious jewels Just watch A quick demonstration Let's roll some dice Shuffle deck nice Cut it in half Now draw 7 cards please You'll go last Think carefully about your turn Now don't play too fast You summon a creature Now you'll pass We tutor vampirically And dredge up some bats We drain you with lifelink With a big fang attack We won the game Hope you had a blast