Can you feel us rising, from the depths of Hades we rise We come in raging fury to slake your sorry lives We hate everything you stand for and all those of your kind There will be no room for mercy, true hate is always blind I want to carve that ugly grin from your face I want to see you in torment with a rusty razorblade We laugh at your regrets, you feeble Christian scum In agony you shall die for all you have become To us your lives are worthless, like an insect or a plant We tear you inside out, in evil we enchant Watch the bones, the patterns they create They will tell you who we are, they will tell you about your fate Watch the bones, your fortune they'll reveal To suffer in endless darkness, the affliction it conceals Death immaculate... You put your hope into the sky For your souls salvation I put my hope into the fire For my souls damnation Death immaculate...