"Farewell, happy fields, where joy forever dwells! Hail, horrors! Hail, infernal world! And thou profoundest hell Receive thy profoundest possessor, One who brings Mind not to be changed by place or time The mind is it's one place. and in itself Can make a heaven of hell and a hell of heaven What matter where, if I still be the same And what should I be, all but less than He whom thunder hath made greater? Here at least we shall be free Better to reign in hell than serve in heav'n" I, the first creation of thee, Was put upon with envy. Unsubjected will Revolt unto thine, we must kill. The heavens will fear my name. I, Luciferi, the executioner of thy Yahweh Unto thine hands of clouds decay. The eternal commander, ye abysmal dismay. He tells us to fear or else he shall killeth I am the most beautiful, the most perfect creature of all creation. I the son of the mourning, embrace animalistic nature in me. Revolt against the immortal painter of thee. Embracing the flaw of all law The will of God I burn his book before his creation, I deny. Come forth and join unto thee A new revolution of the killing the tyrant in the sky Let's overthrow him and of wilt he can't deny; Fuck off for having ye father's obsession. I gave him the disease, killed, and gave him depression. I question thee. The creator, my maker. The deity. Although I am his son, I want his reign of lies begone. Dethrone the mother fucking lord of creation Let's overthrow god Spread his organs all over the kingdom Let's overthrow Jehovah I, the title of sin, the wretched power within. He will bow to thee, the trumpets of infrasound. Structural dead angel symphony. He will bow to thee Servant of God, Saint Michael, the knight of slavery, doth cast me out But now I am free. But, I will not stop until I fucking watch Every drop of blood drain from thine arteries I revolt, and embrace hell. Curse thine name brandished upon me.