Calm before the storm Who would've thought All it takes is a tiny crack in the wall A gentle kick against the door To shake the status quo Didn't you know A circle doesn't fit in a square When the storm strikes your tower Let it go, overthrow the crown Big ideas will get lost in the ether Yes, I'm a seeker but spare me your answers Keep your voodoo needles and the doll Silence your oracle and all the other frauds Hush your psychic, don't trick me with your seance Thank you, but no thanks Stop shuffling the cards I'm here fighting Fighting my own demons What were you waiting for Calm before the storm Didn't you know A circle doesn't fit in a square When the storm strikes your tower Let it go, overthrow the crown There's no formula Watch me transcending the physical laws Thank you, but no thanks Stop shuffling the cards I'm here fighting Fighting my own demons