A task of my spine is an alibi takes time all over of Get into the horizontal looks like i'm gonna die Picked up mushrooms Flea from earth Riding sasqoatch absurd Teatime for muscles Some fanasies shuffled Never stop winding up Save the duck and good luck ♪ We are moody moody creatures
Gifted gadget Inside out Blured and handsome When I was young Teatime for muscles Some fanasies shuffled Never stop winding up Save the duck and good luck ♪ We are moody moody creatures ♪ I ate the selfish I really want to have this cut Highest commander I really really want (t)his job I ate the selfish I really want to have this cut Child of a father I really really want (t)his job I ate the selfish I really want to have this cut Highest commander I really really want (t)his job I ate the selfish I really really really want (t)his Ohohohohh ♪ Ah ♪ Oh