Rachael Thelmy is not very sure A little girl inside her uniform But aren't you really just a penny whore? Rachael tell me what I'm waiting for Right now! Right now! Right now Right now! Right now! Right now Rachael tell me what I'm waiting for About the school yards and the uniforms Rachael tell me why your sky is red How you picked up all these crazy men? Right now! Right now! Right now Right now! Right now! Right now Rachee Rachael (Rachee Rachael) Rachee Rachael (Rachee Rachael) (Ooo ooh) Rachael tell me what I'm waiting for (Ooo ooh) Rachael tell me what I'm waiting for It's just a playground (Rachael tell me what I'm waiting for) It's just a let down (Rachael tell me what I'm waiting for) It's just a playground, yea (Rachael tell me what I'm waiting for) Rachael But aren't you really just a penny whore? Rachael tell me what I'm waiting for Right now! Right now! Right now Right now! Right now! Right now Rachee Rachael (Rachee Rachael) Rachee Rachael (Rache Rachael) (Ooo ooh) Rachael tell me what I'm waiting for (Ooo ooh) Rachael tell me what I'm waiting for (Ooo ooh) Rachael tell me what I'm waiting for (Ooo ooh) Rachael tell me what I'm waiting for