"Traitor! I don't like your visage Kneel before your emperor" And order left the city of Rome He tainted the virtue of the holy throne. "I will show you what will happen to the ones who disobey. Your punishment will teach them, by who's rules to play!" The streets ran red from the rivers of blood. To the tyrant his subjects were deceitful mud. I am the crown I am the crown I am the crown I won't step down I am the crown of Rome. My reign is forever graved stone. The empire's mine, should be clear. Let them hate, as long as they fear. Action crates reaction Rebellion is woken by suppression Violence comes from violence And people answer with vehemence "Why are you coming at me as a group You look so angry? Please love me, like I love you!" The praetorian guards pulled out their knives And ended a pitiful and troubled life. I am what I am I am what I am I am number one I won't step down I am the crown of Rome. My reign is forever graved stone. The empire's mine, should be clear. Let them hate, as long as they fear. I am the crown I am the crown I am the crown I won't step down I am the crown of Rome. My reign is forever graved stone. The empire's mine, should be clear. Let them hate, as long as they fear. I am the crown of Rome. My reign is forever graved stone. Their hate grows stronger, year after year. Let them complain, I've nothing, nothing to fear. Nothing to fear Nothing to fear Nothing to fear