Rosh Hashanah apples and honey and nuts are grinding, The synagogue's packed but I'm only binding. I look like I'm twelve — at least my face is not a pizza, But no one seems to know me on this side of the mechitza. The binding of Isaac! Bum diddy bum bum bum! Old Marvin from the Y, who I've known since I was three Asks my dad, "How's your daughter?" not knowing that was me. Dad says, "Elaine is fine." He smiles and begins to shuckle, I look down at the Machsur and my knees begin to buckle. The binding of Isaac! Bum diddy bum bum bum! The rabbi calls Eliezer ben Yisroyel to the bima, This parsha's super creepy and I really miss my Ima. The ram is in the bush, but don't look so cowardly, Bind the cloth around my chest, daddy overpower me. The binding of Isaac! Bum diddy bum bum bum!