10 000 years, 10 000 10 000 years ago, when the earth was still kinda wet They'd had a lot of rain for 40 days and 40 nights It hadn't had a chance to dry out yet, There were crocodiles swimming through the trees And people hanging from the mountain tops, if you please Or so the story goes, 10 000, 10 000 years ago 10 000 years, 10 000 10 000 years years since then, now people scratch their heads Wondering when Will the human race get wiser? Will anyone be left alive? When will this misery and suffering end? Oh, ooooh Everybody's looking forward to the day When the past will cease to haunt us and we'll find a way The folks will make war no more I pray that peace, peace, I pray that peace is what we have in store 10 000 years from now, when children ask their folks to Tell them how Did the human race survive? Is anybody left alive? Considering what's been going down until now In the future they will celebrate the man Who came out to solve the problems with his world plan Or so the story will go 10 000, 10 000 years or so Aum shanti shanti Aum shanti shanti 10 000 Aum shanti shanti Aum shanti shanti 10 000 years ago Aum shanti shanti Aum shanti shanti Aum shanti shanti Aum shanti shanti Aum shanti shanti Aum shanti shanti Aum shanti shanti Aum shanti shanti