Sweeter than forgiveness Sweeter than a solvent business Sweeter than wifey and mistress Sweeter than... Sweeter than a Pisces and senses Sweeter than Netflix and friendships Sweeter than bros and my sisters Sweeter than... Sweeter than all our feelings Sweeter than churches and siblings Sweeter than Virgins lips Sweeter than Heavens kiss... Sweater than private planes flying with no turbulence... Sweeter than mumma call Sweeter than adderall Sweeter than all my flaws Sweeter than saying no and sweeter than saying yes Sweeter than all the rest Sweeter than molly sex Sweeter than real connect Sweeter than plug calls when it's time to collect... Sweeter then your graduation Sweeter than granny affirmations Sweeter than procreation Sweeter than nominations Sweeter than retirement homes with no visitation... Sweeter than dinner tables with quiet conversation Sweeter than fake friends denying your affiliations Sweeter than news covers with no exclamation Sweeter than ps5 and all type Reservations Sweeter than all them fights and silent confrontations Sweeter than all them nights be crying and steady waiting Sweeter than waiters coming straight up to your table Sweeter than Saweetie and Quavo Sweeter than Mumma's expectations Sweeter than life and death Sweeter than my respect Sweeter than midnight texts Sweeter than no regrets Sweeter than uum failure Sweeter than all success... Sweeter than all them camp fires.no concentration Sweeter than all damn desires and combinations Sweeter then all the rest Jupiter (LC Troop!) I believe in you...