On the sand, by the sea I left my heart to shed my grief A vulture came begging me: Feed me with this piece of meat! I won't give away Something I need On a garden nursery I let my fancy wander free Children playing around a tree Sharing apples happily Come and rest with me Lay your hands on dreams I'll wait here by your side 'Till you fall asleep I'll wait until you cry All over me the tears you hide inside Ai Quanto querer Cabe em meu coração Ai Me faz sofrer Faz que me mata Ese não mata, fere Sai Sem me dizer Na casa da paixão Sai Quando bem quer Traz uma praga E me afaga a pele Crescei, luar Pra iluminar as trevas Fundas da paixão Eu quis lutar Contra o poder do amor Caí nos pés do vencedor Para ser o serviçal Do samurai Mas eu to' tão feliz Dizem que o amor atrai Come and rest with me Lay your hands on dreams I'll wait here by your side 'Till you fall asleep I'll wait until you cry All over me the tears you hide inside