まもなくかなたの 流れのそばで 楽しく会いましょう また友だちと 神さまのそばの きれいなきれいな川で みんなで集まる日の ああなつかしや 上主座前生命河邊 聖潔天使都來臨 水流不息晶亮如銀 我羨慕在彼唱吟 我們聚集生命河邊 在極美麗、極美麗河邊 眾聖徒同歡聚在一起 歡聚在上主座前 Soon we'll reach the shining river Soon our pilgrimage will cease Soon our happy hearts will quiver With the melody of peace Yes, we'll gather at the river The beautiful, the beautiful river Gather with the saints at the river That flows by the throne of God*