Supposin' you need a vacation, Brazil is the place you should be; So you can't understand what they're saying, And you can't read a sign that you see. But you don't have to know the language, With the moon in the sky and a boy in your arms and a look in his eye! You stop at the Copacabana, With Sugar Loaf Mountain in view; So the words on a menu mean nothing, You can't ask a soul what to do! But you don't have to know the language, With the moon in the sky and a boy in your arms and a look in his eye! When he smiles your way, What more would you want anybody to say? So you sigh, just sigh, You don't have to mention that phrase, "Aye-aye!". Perhaps when you end your vacation, You'll bring back a bit of Brazil. So you can't understand what he's saying, You need an interpreter still! But you don't have to know the language, With the moon in the sky and a boy in your arms and a look in his eye! No, you don't have to know the language, If you don't want to say goodbye! When he smiles your way, What more would you want anybody to say? So you sigh, just sigh, You don't have to mention that phrase, "Aye-aye!". Perhaps when you end your vacation, You'll bring back a bit of Brazil. So you can't understand what he's saying, You need an interpreter still! But you don't have to know the language, With the moon in the sky and a boy in your arms and a look in his eye! No, you don't have to know the language, If you don't want to say goodbye!