It's like everybody's got a money attachment to it and you think you don't But you do Yep Like if I said Lemme slug you in the face You would laugh and go Oh that's ridiculous Oh lemme give you a hundred dollars, to slug you in the face Even a thousand dollars I mean why would you- that's ridiculous Lemme give you twenty-five thousand dollars, to slug you in the face." And now what happens? Now you go: *hahaha* Deal* -Really has it, but now you're thinking about it Yeah I'll tell you what let's end this; I'll give you fifty thousand dollars To slug you in the face Now you're going Where will you hit me, when do I get the money? Y'know, now you're negotiating You've already accepted this In a short period of time I've taken you from:m What're you kidding I'm-the-this is stupid idea—to It's possible." So when you think of that little Example, Yah with no other anxiety coming down on your life, that you could change Just like that