Feeling degraded Because you harassed me But if I speak out will you call me a Nazi? Will you liken reactions to your misogyny With one of the world's most horrific atrocities? As soon as you utter that phrase You associate feminism with something so hated, So undesirable but wrapping our words up in thorns Will not make them undiscussable Feminists and fascists are not the same thing Standing up for your rights doesn't make you right wing Speaking out against the women haters That bares no similarity with being a dictator Yet with those slurs that you are smearing Do you seriously think that you can make feminism unappealing? You can't assault a person, then insult them for reacting We are merely fighting for equality Feminists and fascists are not the same thing Standing up for your rights doesn't make you right wing Speaking out against the women haters That bares no similarity with being a dictator Isn't it obvious? We don't want power We don't want mass murder We don't want to lock all the men in a chamber Why can't you see that there is nothing Similar between being victimized and being Hitler? How dare you insult us for being vigilant! How dare you insult us for trying to make a difference! Call me a feminazi, I'll call you ignorant